Watching NA LCS on June 28th, Cloud9’s Balls gave up his 17 win game streak on Rumble. This got me thinking, what are the undefeated champions or very high win % champions in the NA/EU LCS regular season and play offs (excluding international events).

At the same time, I learned about SelectorGadget and the package rvest. In a future post, I will outline how I used this with Leaguepedia site to gather the required information.


The data was collected from Leaguepedia, taking the champion, player, date, team, and win/loss of each game in the 2013-2015 Spring and Summer LCS Regular season and Playoffs.


##       player   champ         team wL       date
## 1      Dyrus  Irelia Team SoloMid  1 2015-01-24
## 2   Santorin Rek'Sai Team SoloMid  1 2015-01-24
## 3   Bjergsen    Ahri Team SoloMid  1 2015-01-24
## 4 WildTurtle    Jinx Team SoloMid  1 2015-01-24
## 5    Lustboy   Janna Team SoloMid  1 2015-01-24
## 6      Balls    Gnar       Cloud9  0 2015-01-24

Using plyr package, the data can be collapsed based on player name and champ:

data.col <- ddply(data, .(player, champ), summarize, Wins=sum(wL), Loss=sum(wL == 0), NumGames=length(wL))

From this, taking a look at who has played the most champions:

kable(data.frame(NumChamps=sort(table(data.col$player), decreasing=T)[1:10]), align='c')
Bjergsen 36
Froggen 36
ZionSpartan 36
Voyboy 34
LiNk 33
Overpow 33
Kerp 32
Dyrus 29
KiWiKiD 29

From this, it is not to surprising with Mid-Laners taking the top spot as it has had the most changes to its meta-game. Changes from support based or assassin champions and having a large pool of potentional champions to choose from. The other is top lane but this has the same meta-game shifts and large champion pools.

One way to look at champions on a player is how many wins compared to losses a player has on champions based on number of games played. The issue with this method is that certain champions have completely fallen out of the meta like Zyra and Miss Fortune.

data.col.wl <- data.col[order(data.col$Wins - data.col$Loss, decreasing=T),]
kable(data.col.wl[1:10,], align='c')
  player champ Wins Loss NumGames
1029 Hai Zed 22 4 26
1517 LemonNation Thresh 24 6 30
1688 Meteos Elise 24 6 30
2867 WildTurtle Caitlyn 21 3 24
178 Balls Rumble 17 1 18
971 Genja Miss Fortune 19 3 22
1519 LemonNation Zyra 16 0 16
2877 WildTurtle Sivir 15 1 16
696 Dyrus Renekton 21 8 29
1073 Hjarnan Sivir 16 3 19

The last thing I wanted to look at is who still has undefeated champions:

data.col.noloss <- data.col[-which(data.col$Loss > 0),]
data.col.noloss <- data.col.noloss[order(data.col.noloss$Wins, decreasing=T),]
kable(data.col.noloss[1:10,], align='c')
  player champ Wins Loss NumGames
1519 LemonNation Zyra 16 0 16
1695 Meteos Nasus 10 0 10
1014 Hai Kennen 8 0 8
2734 Vasilii Tristana 8 0 8
1015 Hai Kha’Zix 7 0 7
514 Cyanide Kha’Zix 6 0 6
2325 Saintvicious Volibear 6 0 6
2542 SOAZ Lee Sin 6 0 6
2616 Svenskeren Pantheon 6 0 6
3046 YellOwStaR Karma 6 0 6

Again, champions like Zyra support and Nasus jungle have fallen out of favor.

In the end, with Hai and Meteos stepping down at time of this post and Zyra/Kha’zix falling so out of favor, it does not look like we will see these champions in the respective roles for a long time to increase or break this record.