
On December 7th, 2017, the Kobolds and Catacombs exapnsion for Hearthstone was released. This includes 135 new cards added to the game. With any collectible card game there are always filler cards, this will examine percentage of cards found in each expansion that contain no modifiers. In Hearthstone, a modifier is any text written on the card that gives it some ability. Examples of this are battlecry where the modifier is executed when played or deathrattle which triggers when the card is removed from the play field.


The data will be gathered from HearthstoneJSON and parsed with jsonlite package.

urlCards <- ""
cardInfo <- fromJSON(urlCards)

This data set has 33 columns, and will need to be trimmed down to keep only the set, class, and card name.

ntCards <- cardInfo[,c("name","cardClass", "set", "text")]
ntCards <- ntCards[$text),]
# Fix a set here EXPERT1 to CORE
ntCards$set[ntCards$set == "EXPERT1"] <- "CORE"

This data set also contains hero cards that need to be removed.

ntCards <- ntCards[ntCards$set != "HERO_SKINS",] # Skins
ntCards <- ntCards[ntCards$name != "Malfurion Stormrage",] # Druid
ntCards <- ntCards[ntCards$name != "Jaina Proudmoore",] # Mage
ntCards <- ntCards[ntCards$name != "Anduin Wrynn",] # Priest
ntCards <- ntCards[ntCards$name != "Rexxar",] # Hunter
ntCards <- ntCards[ntCards$name != "Uther Lightbringer",] # Paladin
ntCards <- ntCards[ntCards$name != "Valeera Sanguinar",] # Rogue
ntCards <- ntCards[ntCards$name != "Thrall",] # Shaman
ntCards <- ntCards[ntCards$name != "Garrosh Hellscream",] # Warrior
ntCards <- ntCards[ntCards$name != "Gul'dan",] # Warlock

Lets add in dates and number of cars of each expansion, this is gathered from Wikipedia.

# Data taken on 2017-12-16
setData <- data.frame(setName=c("Core","Goblins vs Gnomes", "The Grand Tournament", "League of Explorers","Whispers of the Old Gods", "One Night in Karazhan","Mean Streets of Gadgetzan", "Journey to UnGoro", "Knights of the Frozen Throne", "Kobolds and Catacombs"),
                     hsjName=c("CORE","GVG", "TGT", "LOE", "OG", "KARA","GANGS", "UNGORO", "ICECROWN", "LOOTAPALOOZA"),
                     releaseDate=c("2014-03-11","2014-12-08", "2015-08-24", "2015-11-12","2016-04-26", "2016-08-11","2016-12-01", "2017-04-06", "2017-08-10", "2017-12-08"),
                     numCards=c(239,123, 132, 45, 134, 45, 132, 135,135,135), stringsAsFactors=F)
setData$releaseDate <- as.Date(setData$releaseDate)
# Use dplyr inner join
ntCards <- inner_join(ntCards, setData, by=c("set" = "hsjName")) %>% arrange(releaseDate, name)

knitr::kable(ntCards, align="c")
name cardClass set text setName releaseDate numCards
Arcanite Reaper WARRIOR CORE NA Core 2014-03-11 239
Assassin’s Blade ROGUE CORE NA Core 2014-03-11 239
Bloodfen Raptor NEUTRAL CORE NA Core 2014-03-11 239
Boulderfist Ogre NEUTRAL CORE NA Core 2014-03-11 239
Chillwind Yeti NEUTRAL CORE NA Core 2014-03-11 239
Core Hound NEUTRAL CORE NA Core 2014-03-11 239
Fiery War Axe WARRIOR CORE NA Core 2014-03-11 239
Light’s Justice PALADIN CORE NA Core 2014-03-11 239
Magma Rager NEUTRAL CORE NA Core 2014-03-11 239
Murloc Raider NEUTRAL CORE NA Core 2014-03-11 239
Oasis Snapjaw NEUTRAL CORE NA Core 2014-03-11 239
River Crocolisk NEUTRAL CORE NA Core 2014-03-11 239
War Golem NEUTRAL CORE NA Core 2014-03-11 239
Wisp NEUTRAL CORE NA Core 2014-03-11 239
Lost Tallstrider NEUTRAL GVG NA Goblins vs Gnomes 2014-12-08 123
Puddlestomper NEUTRAL GVG NA Goblins vs Gnomes 2014-12-08 123
Salty Dog NEUTRAL GVG NA Goblins vs Gnomes 2014-12-08 123
Spider Tank NEUTRAL GVG NA Goblins vs Gnomes 2014-12-08 123
Captured Jormungar NEUTRAL TGT NA The Grand Tournament 2015-08-24 132
Fearsome Doomguard WARLOCK TGT NA The Grand Tournament 2015-08-24 132
Ice Rager NEUTRAL TGT NA The Grand Tournament 2015-08-24 132
Pit Fighter NEUTRAL TGT NA The Grand Tournament 2015-08-24 132
Murloc Tinyfin NEUTRAL LOE NA League of Explorers 2015-11-12 45
Am’gam Rager NEUTRAL OG NA Whispers of the Old Gods 2016-04-26 134
Carrion Grub HUNTER OG NA Whispers of the Old Gods 2016-04-26 134
Duskboar NEUTRAL OG NA Whispers of the Old Gods 2016-04-26 134
Eldritch Horror NEUTRAL OG NA Whispers of the Old Gods 2016-04-26 134
Faceless Behemoth NEUTRAL OG NA Whispers of the Old Gods 2016-04-26 134
Enchanted Raven DRUID KARA NA One Night in Karazhan 2016-08-11 45
Worgen Greaser NEUTRAL GANGS NA Mean Streets of Gadgetzan 2016-12-01 132
Ultrasaur NEUTRAL UNGORO NA Journey to UnGoro 2017-04-06 135
Snowflipper Penguin NEUTRAL ICECROWN NA Knights of the Frozen Throne 2017-08-10 135
Dire Mole NEUTRAL LOOTAPALOOZA NA Kobolds and Catacombs 2017-12-08 135

A quick glance shows that as newer sets are being released, cards without a modifier have much rarer compared to the base and early expansions.

cardTable <- ntCards %>% 
  group_by(setName) %>% 
  summarise(,[1],[1] * 100,2), release=releaseDate[1]) %>% arrange(release)

knitr::kable(cardTable, align="c")
setName release
Core 14 239 5.86 2014-03-11
Goblins vs Gnomes 4 123 3.25 2014-12-08
The Grand Tournament 4 132 3.03 2015-08-24
League of Explorers 1 45 2.22 2015-11-12
Whispers of the Old Gods 5 134 3.73 2016-04-26
One Night in Karazhan 1 45 2.22 2016-08-11
Mean Streets of Gadgetzan 1 132 0.76 2016-12-01
Journey to UnGoro 1 135 0.74 2017-04-06
Knights of the Frozen Throne 1 135 0.74 2017-08-10
Kobolds and Catacombs 1 135 0.74 2017-12-08